Thursday, July 31, 2008

10 Days and Counting

I've been working on the logistics of my trip down the Great Allegheny Passage/C&O Canal. Jeff wanted an idea of where I'll be staying along the way, so I just finished a four page spreadsheet detailing overnight stops with alternates. Now I'm into some preliminary meal planning and going through the old gear lists I've acculumated over the years.

New gear --

I recently replaced my Nokia cell phone with a Palm Treo; and my digital camera with a new Nikon D60 DSLR. I just ordered a spare battery for each.

Biking shorts: three new pair to replace three pair purchased in 2004 for Lib's and my first "expedition".

"Killer cotton" T-shirts: yeah, I know... Cotton Kills. I'll take my chances. Besides, I haven't found any bike jerseys I like -- they're too short and don't do anything to flatter my "physique". Something's got to cover those bike shorts. Wicking Ts? I don't find them comfortable. I sweat like a pig in them because they feel hot to me, and they stink. I can't get the body odor out when I wash them.

Decisions, decisions --

I'm thinking about taking a small (very small) cooler with me. August is HOT, and I missed having a cooler last year (and the year before, and the year before that). I'd like to find a way to haul my dulcimer on the BoB... but I'll leave the cello home this time. One year I brought my mandolin, carried it the whole way, and actually played it while Libby fished.

I need to work on a food list, and set up a possible mail drop. I ordered a couple of Mountain House entrees from REI, they should show up on Friday. There are opportunities to get groceries and convenience stores, as well as plenty of fast food opportunities. I won't starve, but I worry about staying within my budget of $20/day. The cheaper I stay, the longer I'm away...


Neil said...

Judy, if you haven't already, I'd highly recommend you put knobbies on the Randonee, or at least something with aggressive tread. I was kicking myself for not getting them. particularly on the C&O.

Please text me updates from your new Treo!

Judy G- said...

Of course I'll keep you posted. I'm not really into texting, but Jeff asked if he could receive text messages to his e-mail. We discovered that, yes, it does work, so it looks like I will be sending him updates from the trail (where possible). I'll cc you.

WRT the knobbies -- time's getting short and I'm scheduled to work most of the week (new trainees and a co-worker hospitalized) -- I thought I'd decide that based on the weather reports when I get to Cumberland. [Reminds me to get in touch with the CTC]

Neil said...

> I'm not really into texting

Who are you and what have you done with Judy?