Friday, August 8, 2008

Last Day of Work - Part Two (evening)

Where was I when I was so rudely interrupted by this thing called "work"? The checklist -

Unload the car (check)

Get bike checked over. Um, Houston, we have a problem. My local shop never has time for walk-ins, and I couldn't leave it because they are closed tomorrow -- they're having an "event" on the mountain. They also don't stock spokes. Oh well. My fault for procrastinating. I called another shop and they are busy tomorrow, but will squeeze me in if I'm there when they open at 10.

Everything else fell by the wayside and now I'll just tack another list to it.

Work went smoothly, no major trauma. I flipped my name badge over to the blank side and wrote "Call Me" on one line and "Irresponsible" on the next with the China marker. I was asked to change it. I rubbed out "Irresponsible" and substituted "Ishmael". The new cashier in the lane next to mine and I did the "Time Warp". The customers were amused, as usual. Seven hours went, well, like eight (as usual). Then I was done.

I came home to find that the baby squirrel was gone. Brian and Sarah took it to a place that specializes in wildlife rescue, and the baby has a chance with one of the mother squirrels there. I hope it survives.

Things are winding down, and I'm very tired. I've got a tremendously busy day tomorrow. Goodnight.

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